Max Pulse Reports

Max Pulse Device

The Max Pulse is a non-invasive, FDA Cleared, Class II medical device that uses a pulse oximeter to detect and interpret the arterial pulse wave using a proprietary algorithm.

This pulse wave analysis provides vital information which is then displayed on easy-to-interpret results sheets which show a patient’s arterial flexibility and autonomic nervous system state.

Max Pulse Arterial Health Report

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Please note that after purchase you will have access to a 20 page long, very detailed quick start manual that covers every aspect of using the Max Pulse and also understanding and interpreting the test.

After you have run the test, click PRINT and you will generate a final report that can either be printed or saved to PDF.

Analysis of Pulse Section: Here you can see the arterial pulse wave. As arterial health declines, the dicrotic notch slowly disappears. Mean Heart Rate – Average Heart Rate during the test. (The result is shown after the 1 minute and the 3 minute test.) Wave Type: This shows the overall arterial health of the patient, by displaying the most dominant arterial wave type during the test.

Level Analysis Section: As the test runs, each heartbeat is evaluated as to which of the 7 types it falls into. At the end of the test, this information is presented in this grid. Levels 1-7 are depicted, and underneath each level is shown the percentage of heartbeats that fell into each category. Often heartbeats will fall across two adjacent levels. For example a very healthy person might show 80% in Level 1 and 20% in Level 2.

EC: Eccentric Constriction: It represents the contraction power of vessels from the left ventricle.
AE: Artery Elasticity: This represents the blood circulation that is analyzed as well as the vascular elasticity and the resistance of the vessels.
RBV: Remaining Blood Volume: Represents the remaining blood in the vessels after systolic contraction of the heart.

Note that arterial deterioration has 2 progressions:

Dominantly Arterial Hardening 1 -> 2 – > 4 -> 6 -> 7

Dominantly Heart Weakening 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 7

This progression was seen in the original research on the device. As such types 3 and 5 will be seen more rarely, but are cause for more concern.

Note: The graphics on the report are generic and do not reflect any measurement by the device

FDA Cleared, Class II Medical Device

The Max Pulse is a non-invasive, FDA Cleared, Class II medical device that uses a pulse oximeter to detect and interpret the arterial pulse wave using a proprietary algorithm.

This pulse wave analysis provides vital information which is then displayed on easy-to-interpret results sheets which show a patient’s arterial flexibility and autonomic nervous system state.

Call now (210) 610 2521 and order your Max Pulse

Boost your quality of care

840,000 CVD Deaths in The US Every Year
0 K
351 Billion Dollars Estimated annual total cost of CVD in the United States
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One American will have a myocardial infarction every 40 seconds.
0 S
One Million Americans will have a coronary event in 2019
0 M

Max Pulse ANS Health Report

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The HRV tachogram shows each heartbeat during the test period. To the right you will see mean heart rate and the number of ectopic beats.

TP LVF LF HF Section (Total Power / Very Low Frequency / Low Frequency / High Frequency). Power in 4 frequency bands are analyzed: Total Power / Very Low Frequency / Low Frequency / High Frequency. See page 15 for more detailed information.

SNS/PNS Bar Graphs show the SNS/PNS Balance – SNS (sympathetic nervous system) & PNS (parasympathetic). SNS and PNS ratio is normal at around 6:4. Higher SNS can show up as nervous, anxiety, agitation, excitement, increasing blood pressure, headache, etc.

The total stress score on a scale of 1 to 100, where 1 is zero stress and perfect autonomic nervous system function and 100 is the worst level of stress and imbalance. 50 is considered normal.

The Mean Heart Rate show the average heart rate over the 3 minute test.

The Ectopic Beat is the number of ectopic beats recorded during the test. Note that if the patient is moving around or talking, the device may register beats as ectopic incorrectly.

ANS Activity, Fatigue Index and Electro-Cardiac Stability. The bar charts will show if the patient is in normal ranges for overall ANS performance, level of Fatigue and Stability of heart.

The ANS Balance is an easy-to-interpret bar chart representation of the SNS/PNS bar graphs just to the left. Also bars for physical and mental stress are included. Stress Resistance is how well the patient deals with stress.

The Comment Section is a computer generated assessment of the patient.

Doctors Are Lovin' It

The Max Pulse provides a three-minute test to detect arterial hardening and stress levels. It’s non-invasive and uses a photoelectric clip on the fingertip.

Dr Birken
Dr BirkenMD FACOG Houston Texas
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The Max Pulse device offers a simple, quick, and highly informative test for endothelial function as well as vessel integrity. This allows the clinician to identify patients at risk for cardiovascular disease allowing for appropriate counseling regarding lifestyle, diet, and supplemental changes as well as referral to a cardiologist if indicated. Also, patients appear more motivated to become proactive when discussing these test results.
Steven J. Bednarczyk, DO
Steven J. Bednarczyk, DOMedical Director of North Hills Health and Wellness Certified, The Bale-Doneen Method
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The Max Pulse is a true game changer. It is an excellent screening tool for assessing the endothelial function of the vessel wall in addition to providing information on ANS balance. When a positive test for advanced arteriosclerosis is obtained, a carotid duplex with CIMT is performed in the clinic and a stress test is performed on the patient. This process led a few patients receiving cardiac catherization or carotid stenting due to the severity of their atherosclerosis. As a Doctor of Osteopathic medicine, I find the ANS report created by the Max Pulse to be of value as well. I use the device before and after manipulation to show the patients changes in their ANS balance. The Max Pulse is a great device for any office.
Dr. Daniel A. Eyink MD
Dr. Daniel A. Eyink MDBoard Certified in both Internal Medicine and Medical Acupuncture.
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I am an internist in Newburyport, MA seeing over 120 to 140 patients weekly. I cannot overstate the value of using the Max Pulse. Every patient over 50 is screened for cardiovascular prevention. The analysis print out is easy to understand based on measurable parameters of arterial elasticity, arterial contraction, and residual blood. The patients understand the relationship to arterial health and get the importance of follow-up testing to see if our treatments document substantial improvement. Secondly we use the heart rate variability testing to assess autonomic nervous system health. For example, we want to know if someone is stuck in sympathetic dominance. We want to know if the patient is highly stressed and has no residual reserve. We document improvements in stress, endurance, mental health, and digestion using the HRV analysis as well as by symptom management. Our goal at our clinic is to prevent cardiovascular problems. Knowing that the arteries have excellent elasticity and contraction gives me reassurance that we are doing more than what is required by the standard of care. I cannot imagine working without the Max Pulse at our clinic.
Dr Lynn Chiassan DN
Dr Lynn Chiassan DNDoctor of Naturopathic Medicine in Moose Jaw Canada
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I have had the Max Pulse machine for 8 years but now with the new update I am so happy to now be able to offer this test routinely to all my patients. At my clinic I try to focus on preventive health and I am glad to have the Max Pulse to motivate my patients to become more proactive when discussing these test results. It is portable and easy for me to do events with because the Max Pulse is so easy to use. It has a graphic readout of results that is easy for the patients to understand and they can take a copy home with them right away.
Dr. Anthony Tortorella
Dr. Anthony TortorellaChiropractor Sport Hill Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Adjunct Professor, University of Bridgeport School of Chiropractic
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The MaxPulse is an easy to use and easy to integrate program that is both easily understood by patients and easily interpreted by doctors. It’s just easy on everyone. People are becoming more acutely interested in their health and well being before they are diagnosed with a condition, especially since the coronavirus pandemic. The MaxPulse gives me the opportunity to provide a real time look at a patient’s current arterial and autonomic health, and allows us to start down the path to better health before entering a state of disease. Additionally, Wayne Baumgarten was incredibly helpful and attentive in getting me set up with the software, execution of the screening, and interpretation of the data. Thankful to have a support person that handled the situation so quickly and professionally.
Dr Kyle Yoder, DC Q.M.E.
Dr Kyle Yoder, DC Q.M.E.Chiropractor Santa Rosa CA
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The Max Pulse is easy to use, has a graphic readout of results that is easy for the patient to understand and is impactful for the patients to have in their hands. Many of the patients who have detected problems have decided to let us help them improve their results and with the Max Pulse we can re-test them to verify that through the treatment they are indeed improving demonstrably. For any doctor who wishes to add a dimension of cardiovascular health testing and treatment to the services they offer I cannot recommend any better investment than this excellent diagnostic device for their practice. The testing does not take long and while I do it personally, it would be equally possible for staff to be trained.