Max Pulse Device

A Video Introduction to the Max Pulse
The Max Pulse Provides A 3 Minute Test To Detect Arterial Hardening and Stress Levels

Incredible Features
Discover all the powerful features of the Max Pulse Device. The Max Pulse test is non-invasive and uses a photoelectric clip on the fingertip
Analysis of Pulse
The Max Pulse can graph the heart beat as it moves through systolic and diastolic. The Max Pulse has incredible accuracy and provides diagnosis in a very short time.
Vascular Health Analisys
Max Pulse also looks at circulation for large and small arteries and shows an index on the final report which indicates whether circulation is optimal.
Arterial Health Test
The machine performs an analysis of the arterial pulse wave by using a very sophisticated algorithm to track variations in the graph that are not visible to the naked eye
Stress Score
The Max Pulse is capable of measuring a person’s stress level. The total stress score on a scale of 1 to 100, where 1 is zero stress and perfect autonomic nervous system function
Electro Cardiac Stability
The Max Pulse will help you monitor your heart rate in a non-invasive way. Providing you with highly reliable reports in a short time. Everything you need to maintain a healthy heart.
Max Pulse is a non-invasive
The Max Pulse is a non-invasive, FDA Cleared, Class II medical device that uses a pulse oximeter to detect and interpret the arterial pulse wave using a proprietary algorithm.
FDA Cleared, Class II Medical Device
The Max Pulse is a non-invasive, FDA Cleared, Class II medical device that uses a pulse oximeter to detect and interpret the arterial pulse wave using a proprietary algorithm.
This pulse wave analysis provides vital information which is then displayed on easy-to-interpret results sheets which show a patient’s arterial flexibility and autonomic nervous system state.
Call now and order your Max Pulse

Boost your quality of care
Max Pulse
How It Works
The Max Pulse test is non-invasive and uses a photoelectric clip on the fingertip. By measuring the blood at the finger tip, the Max Pulse can graph the heart beat as it moves through systolic and diastolic. When a persons arteries are flexible, the pressure at the finger tip has specific deviations as the arteries flex. If the a persons arteries are very stiff, the graph becomes very tight and regular. The machine performs an analysis of the arterial pulse wave by using a very sophisticated algorithm to track variations in the graph that are not visible to the naked eye and then interprets those results against a large body of research.

The Max Pulse also performs a highly accurate heart rate variability test and prints an autonomic nervous system analysis. This shows if the patient is overstressed and the sympathetic nervous system is dominant; it may also show that the patient is fatigued with the sympathetic suppressed and the parasympathetic dominant. It also shows how well the patient is dealing with their stress levels and assigns a stress score.
The easy-to-interpret bar charts on the lower right-hand side show important metrics:
• Fatigue Index shows if the patient is fatigued
• Electro-Cardio Stability shows if there are irregular heartbeats present (which is also represented by the Ectopic Beats number)
• ANS Balance is the immediate view of whether the person is balanced.
The Physical Stress and Mental Stress bars help to determine the source of your patient’s stress, while the Stress Resistance bar shows how well your patient is dealing with the stress levels (or fatigue levels) that they are experiencing.
This is a powerful metric that allows you to show your patient the state of their health reserves. Too often patients “feel fine” but are perilously close to the end of their reserves. Such a
patient is hovering on the verge of a breakdown and needs help—help that you can provide and that the patient is likely to accept when they see this report.
Doctors Are Lovin' It
The Max Pulse provides a three-minute test to detect arterial hardening and stress levels. It’s non-invasive and uses a photoelectric clip on the fingertip.

It’s Easy To Purchase A Max Pulse
- Laptop with software preloaded and tested
- 1 finger probe and all attendant power cords & connection cables
- Computer Software Program (Windows 7, 8 and 10 versions)
- Training Manual and manufacturer’s User Manual
- Research documents on Pulse Wave technology and Heart Rate Variability
- Patient education brochures that explain what the test is for Excellent customer support
We will ship your Max Pulse in the Continental US by 2-day FedEx, fully insured. We guarantee shipping within three days of your payment, but shipping is normally same day or
next day. Our Quality Control staff will test your device thoroughly before shipment to ensure that everything is in perfect working condition.
Your Max Pulse will arrive ready to use, with an easy-to-understand instructional booklet. There are no hidden costs or ongoing fees.
Once you receive your Max Pulse, we offer a 45-minute live online instruction period via Skype, where we are connected remotely to your machine. This way, we can do tests together, talk about the results, and answer questions. You will also have unlimited access to the training videos on our website.